40 minute excursion at a park on a long line $48 - offered beginning & ending of day- focused on working with reactive rovers giving them a positive outdoor experience

“a walk where the dog is allowed freedom of movement in nature” - Sarah Stremming

My journey with decompression walks started when I adopted a Texas stray in early 2021. Leroy is my fourth dog and he’s unlike any dog I’ve ever had. I needed to understand what made him happy as human connection or treats wasn’t at the top of his list like most dogs. I reached out to my amazing dog trainer friend Michelle with THE PAID PUP. She suggested decompression walks. My relationship with Leroy has improved immensely. Giving him the opportunity to explore, sniff and look for squirrels on his own terms gives him the happiness he had been missing in his life. It has made both of us happier!

It’s an especially great tool to use with reactivity in dogs. Takes your dog out of a confined space and lets them focus on dog things! Sniffing, foraging, prey hunting, exploring, etc!

If you’d like to know more about the life changing benefits of decompression walks please click on the the amazing article below.

The power of decompression walks